Peace of Mindfulness
Aldersley High school booked us for Year 11. Read what their Head of Year 11 had to say:
"I have found the mindfulness course to be very useful for our Year 11 students who are revising and preparing for their Year 11 exams.
Pav has been a wonderfully calming influence and the students that have chosen to attend have appreciated the tips that can be put into place at a moments notice."
Caroline Bayley
(Pastoral Head of Year 11 and Deputy Head of Safeguarding)
Aldersley High School
We also teach Mindfulness sessions at Wolverhampton Grammar School where they take well-being very seriously. The whole of year 8 benefit from the course and there are additional after school sessions available for students from other years.
Want to book twilight sessions for your staff?
One to two hour work shops available, as well as regular classes for staff.
Staff at Broadmeadow Special School booked us for the day. We delivered an interactive but relaxing workshop, where staff experienced the benefits of Mindfulness first hand, but also took away useful practices to help them feel calm, relaxed and more purposeful at work.
Secondary Schools
Schools are increasingly using Mindfulness
Primary Schools