Peace of Mindfulness

My mindfulness journey started a few years ago when a mindfulness trainer came to the secondary school where I taught. She gave us all a talk about how mindfulness can help secondary school pupils and we tried a few exercises. The seed was planted then, but I really only really developed my practice after attending regular mindfulness sessions in the evenings. It was then that I started to experience the benefits of regular practice. Each week I looked forward to my next session so it was no surprise that I decided to take an advanced course as I could not get enough! I knew I did not want to stop there, as I firmly believed it could help some of the students that I was teaching at the time. I also started to contemplate the possible effects on the staff that I worked with, my own family and friends. Consequently, I undertook formal training enabling me to qualify as a Mindfulness teacher. I became a qualified .b teacher soon after. Mindfulness has enhanced my own life in many ways, indeed it has been scientifically proven to help us in many areas of our lives. Knowing all of this and experiencing the benefits first hand, I now want to share this with you, hopefully giving you some peace of mind!
Thinking about giving it a go?
It could be the best thing you have done for yourself for a while. We cannot change the past, we do not know what the future brings, all we have is the present moment. We can cultivate our minds to learn to BE WITH whatever comes up for us...whatever thoughts we are having...our state of mind.